Our Philosophy

We value every step in the coffee process. From producer, through trader, to us as roasters, to cafes, through baristas and into your cup, .every step is valuable and requires knowledge, skill and effort to keep the chain of custody intact.

Our Mission

We endeavour for every customer to have the best possible experience they can. Making coffee should not be more complicated than a year 12 science experiment, it should be an easy and relaxing process. We have by sourced the worlds highest quality beans and expertly roasted them so that you can extract the flavour easily and just enjoy great coffee.

Who We Are

Aaron has over 30 years’ experience in the hospitality industry and 15 years in Specialty Coffee.

He has owned cafes and managed national coffee roasting brands, and at the end of day, would rather be face to face with everyday customers, sharing his passion for amazing coffee. He started Passport Specialty Coffee for one reason only…..to roast and drink the type of coffee he loved. Uncompromised. Unapologetic. Unwavering. And if other people liked to drink these same coffees, great, he loves helping them to explore the flavours and processes themselves as well.

What Customer Say About Us